Welcome to Saulteaux First Nation


In preperation for the Per Capita Payments, we require ALL members (18 & over) to complete this form. Please click the following link to access the form.  Once completed it can be dropped off in person or emailed to distribution@saulteauxfn.ca 

Future communications will be made through the Saulteaux First Nation App. Please download it in your app store.

Financial contacts 9am to 5pm:
A- L Sally Moccasin (306) 716 5168
M Lynetta Whitecap (306) 914 7216
N- Z Lana Whitecap (306) 930 5387
For banking & form assistance:
Sylvia Gopher (306) 290-8067
Sabrina Myo (306) 480-6965
For general inquiries:
Sarah Gopher (306) 441-8691
Alexis Christensen (306) 480 6133

It is important to note that distributions will ONLY be done through direct deposit to a bank account. No cheques will be issued under any circumstance.

Agricultural Benefits Payment Instruction, Discharge, Release and Indemnity Form


Saulteaux First Nation is located 43 kilometres north of North Battleford near Cochin and Jackfish Lake in Northern Saskatchewan. Land holdings are over 14386.73 acres. Saulteaux is associated with BATC, Treaty #6 Territory.


The word 'Saulteaux' is a French translation for 'people of the rapids' which originates from their Ontario settlement location near a waterway. The Saulteaux are part of a larger tribe (Ojibwa or Chippewa) residing in the Northern United States. Their native tongue is Ojibwa. Cree speaking tribe.

The Europeans near Sault Ste. Marie first encountered the Saulteaux, on an outlet of Lake Superior. The Saulteaux and the settlers came together to trap and trade. As the soil conditions and short growing seasons in the Northern Great Lakes region was not conducive to farming, the Saulteaux elected for a hunting and trading lifestyle with European settlers in the area. A portion of the band traveled west to Saskatchewan attracted by the expansion of the fur trade. They remained on the edges of the parkland and venturing onto the prairies only to hunt buffalo.

The Saulteaux band signed Treaty #6 on August 18, 1854.

Economic Information

Economic sources include tourism, agriculture, and forestry. Land use is primarily agricultural. The band has 950 registered members with a 50% residency rate.


Saulteaux First Nation Singers are renowned performers who travel across North America to share round dance songs.

Many lakes and parks offering camping, fishing and hunting are located in the area.

Other Information

Facilities available on the reserve include a Band Office, Community Complex, Medical Clinic, Daycare, Fire Hall, Saulteaux Heritage School (K-9), Arena, and Recreation Center.


From the Office of Saulteaux First Nation

